College is fun sometimes, but it can also be stressful. Deadlines pile up, tests are coming in a week, and you have to fork out a six-page paper.
Therefore, all college students are entitled to a break from college. Every once in a while, it is okay to leave all your schoolwork in the dorm and go home for the weekend.
While it sounds like a privilege only in-state college students have, it should be noted that everyone has this privilege. Since every hard-working college student has earned this privilege, here are some of the benefits.
First, it allows you to get away from everything school related and tune into yourself. You rid yourself of the constant reminders that you are a college student.
There is no need to constantly be stressed out if some of the stress can be alleviated simply by going home. So, why wouldn't you want to leave everything for three or four days for the simple purpose of relaxation?
My favorite benefit of going home for a weekend is that I get a chance to have extended time with my family. Family is important to me, and I talk to them all of the time.
When I get to leave my books in the dorm and go to their house to catch up and spend time with them, I am all for it. I cherish time with my family because family is the best distraction for me.
One of my favorite benefits is genuinely sleeping in and catching up on my favorite tv shows. Sleeping in without the guilt is important to me, and I only get that luxury when I am at home.
I also watch as much television as possible to last me until the next time I see my family. I do this primarily because I'm in college, I hardly get the time to binge-watch anything.
I also use the opportunity to do laundry for free. Yes, I regularly do my own laundry, but I take advantage of doing my laundry at home for free versus paying for it at school.
An interesting benefit of going home for the weekend is going to your favorite spots in your hometown. Whether it be a mall or a restaurant, going there can be an extension of the escape.
Another benefit of going home for the weekend, that might come off as a curse initially, is that anything you need, tell your parents. For this time, my mother is constantly asking me whether or not I need something.
This is a good time to tell your family if you need anything important, because they will more than likely get it for you at this time. Yes, this time is supposed to be vacation, but it can also be used to your benefit.
Going home from college has its many advantages. Therefore, it is important to take a few weekends off to spend with your family.