Every soon-to-be, current, and former college student can agree that deciding on where to go to school is a huge decision both mentally and financially. There are many reasons bargaining for and against each side of staying in or going out of state. I'm here to tell you, however, that if you decided on in state, you made the right choice. Going to school in state is probably one of the best decisions you could ever make. And here are just a few reasons why.
1. Mom and dad are close.
This one is very obvious. People go out of state to get away from their parents all the time, but once you're there long enough, you'll realize that sometimes you actually need your parents. Or like all the time, if you're me.
2. You can go home and sleep in your bed anytime.
You don't know the struggle until you've slept in a dorm room bed. Having any amount of padding on those things doesn't help the fact that they're probably been used by thousands of college kids since before you were born. You're right, that is completely gross, but try not to think about it.
3. Home cooked meals.
Meal plans only go so far. And the same food places on campus get way too old, way too quickly. By staying close to home, you can always swing by for some nice steak every once in awhile.
4. No expensive plane tickets.
When you go to school out of state, you can't just drive home for Thanksgiving and fall break. You probably have to fly all the time, which can get pricey. Also, no one likes packing... or unpacking. Especially if you're only going to be home for a short amount of time.
5. A lot of friends stay local.
Don't get me wrong, making friends in college is great, but coming home to your friends who also stayed in state to have a little get together is always so fun and sometimes much needed. Nothing beats laughing about years and years of memories with childhood friends.
6. You know the area.
None of the, "Are we going the right way?" -"I don't know, I can't tell." And you don't have to pull up maps on your phone every time you want to go somewhere off campus because you know the basics of the streets and the freeway system in place.
7. You know where all the good places to eat and shop are already.
I can't imagine moving somewhere and not knowing where the nearest mall is right away, or even basic necessity places, like a grocery store. You also can show all your new out-of-state friends the good places to eat off campus since you already know!
8. You've probably been rooting for your in state schools your whole life.
It's just meant to be.
So here's to all of the kids that go to college in-state because you're pretty cool.