Dating these days has a completely different meaning than it did five years ago. You have the texting phase, the talking phase and then you're deciding if you want to be in a relationship with this person. All of these "phases" and decisions really affect your mental and emotional health. I've realized that most people in their early 20s view relationships as a restraint on their life, or they are scared to commit because something better might come along. I've been single for a long time, and while there are some downsides, I've learned that there are even more benefits.
One of the best benefits of being single is that your friendships grow. You find yourself meeting more people through mutual friends and instantly bonding with these strangers. You have more time for girls' night or guys' night with your best friends. Most people ditch their social life once they get into a relationship, but being single gives you the ability to spend more time with the people you are close with and let them influence who you are. Being single also helps your friendships grow with the opposite sex, and it's important to have those friendships.
Another benefit of being single is that you have the freedom to do whatever you want. When you're in a relationship, you have to "check in" to see if you already have plans or if it's alright with the significant other for you to do something. Not having to regulate your life around someone is relieving. Last-minute plans to go out with your best friends? Go do it. Want to talk to that cute girl/guy across the bar? Go for it. There is no one to stop you from doing what you really want to do.
Being single allows you to focus on yourself. You truly discover who you are and what you want with your life. People in relationships start adopting the habits of their significant other and get into a routine, and if you break up, you suddenly lose that routine and you find yourself lost and confused. You shouldn't plan your life around someone else when you're in your early 20s because you have so much to experience before it's time to settle down. You can focus on your career, enjoy your hobbies more and have more time with friends. Single people also tend to be more health-conscious about what they eat and their fitness level.
This is also the time to be as selfish as you want. Without hurting people, you have no obligations and no restrictions with what you want to do and who you want to be. As long as you have yourself together, who cares? Go out on the weekend, dress up for yourself, slide into someone's DMs, and don't feel guilty for doing what makes you happy.
Dating becomes this exciting and scary new thing. You have the choice whether you want to open yourself up to the possibility of a relationship as well. Dating allows you to figure out what you want and what you don't want in a significant other. You'll have some good dates and some bad dates, but you never know what will turn out.
Whether you're open to a relationship or not, enjoy this alone time and do whatever you want. At some point, you'll be married with kids and working for a 401K. Experience as much as you can while you have the freedom to do so. Do whatever you want with whoever you want, whenever you want, because this is the time for you to be you.