College is one of the best times of your life. You get to do so many things you might not go anywhere else. You get to experience freedom unlike any you have had before. College is literally the one time in your life you get to decide what you want to do when you want to do it, and how you want to do it. Take advantage of every single one of the things college has to offer because after graduation life will never be the same.
The Amount of Free Stuff
Free food, free clothes, free concerts, endless amounts of free stuff. Rarely in the real world will you ever get the amount of free stuff you do in college.
Sports Tickets at a Discount
If you go to a big university where tickets can cost hundreds of dollars, as a college student you get them at an amazing rate and sometimes even for free.
Free Parties
Almost all parties in college are free and if you are lucky there will be free alcohol too. Good luck finding all that in the real world.
Making Your Own Schedule
You have complete control over absolutely everything in your life, where you want to go and when you want to go. After graduation, you will have someone else telling you where to go and when so enjoy the control while you still have it.
Nap Time
The infamous nap time, we hated it when we were younger, but now we live for it and after just 4 short years we will be giving it up once again.
Going Out Whenever You Want
Want to go to cookout at 2 a.m. because you don't have class until 1 p.m.? Go for it, there is no one can stop you except for you.
Being Around Your Friends 24/7
You are constantly surrounded by people in college and continuously making new friends but one day you will all go your separate ways and the real world will get real lonely real quick.
Getting to Live With Your Best Friends
Now yes you can still live with your best friends after you graduate but when you're in college you will have similar schedules after graduation things will change and you won't get to be around them as much.
Connections to Industry Professionals
If you get involved in your college and take advantage of all the opportunities they provide you can get connected to people who have already made it big in your career and get advice straight from professionals.
Opportunities for Internships
A lot of colleges offer internships within the school or with outside companies while still in school. So even if you fail or hate your internships you still have time to change your major and figure out what you want to do with your life.
The Endless Amount of New Experiences and Opportunities
If you look or even just get involved College can offer you an endless amount of opportunities to help you to grow and make the most of your collegiate career and it is a time to try new things you wouldn't before and do it all for free!!
Being Allowed to Make Mistakes Without it Ruining Your Life
You still have time to find your footing and figure out what you want to do with your life, without it ruining everything. College is getting us ready to be successful and to survive the adult world and now is the time to trip up and make mistakes to some extent, nothing too wild now.
Life Long Memories
You will make some of your best memories in college because there are so many opportunities to do what you want to and the opportunity to go on wild adventures.
New Friends
You will make more friends in college then you will in your entire life. It is ridiculous but it is because everyone is looking for friends.
Wearing Whatever You Want
Want to wear yoga pants and an over sized t-shirt with two different socks sandals and a messy bun? Go for it, no one cares, you do you boo.
Eating Whatever You Want
There is no on telling you what you can and can't eat or how much? Dinning halls are buffets, take advantage of it.
Freedom but Without All the Adult Responsibilities
You get all the freedom you want with no adult responsibility. You get to do whatever you want and live your best life and not have to worry about anything when you go home.
Enjoy these years while you can because before you know it you will be in the real world!