Is it favorable to follow your own ambitions and know what you want? Or does following your ambitions lead to the greater worse? In the case of Lady MacBeth from Shakespeare’s play MacBeth, following her ambition led to her death. By following one’s own ambitions it gives a sense of independence to a person and a clarity of what they want despite protest from public opinion.
By pursuing one’s own ambitions, it harbors good qualities such as strength. When revealing her plans to MacBeth about murdering Duncan, she at one point gives him advice. In the time frame of Shakespeare’s MacBeth, women were thought of to be fragile and ladylike. Throughout the play we get to witness Lady MacBeth’s ruthfulness as well as having the courage to both herself and her husband foward.
When one’s ambitions are laid out, it provides a clear sense of want they want. In MacBeth, Lady MacBeth has a clear, unwavering vision of what she wants: murder the current king (Duncan) and then crown her husband MacBeth. Whatever the drawback Lady MacBeth's passion to follow her goal is unwavering, making her a force to be reckon with.
When ambitions are set, it can inspire others. As Lady MacBeth’s ambitions are pushed onto her husband, MacBeth himself is influenced by his wife. With the help of her aspirations, he was able to transform his mind from a worried state into an independent soul.
In the example of Lady MacBeth, we have yet to see any gradual success (Lady MacBeth’s death). Despite multiple losses, does failure define of how we view ambition? By being ambitious, there’s always a chance for failure, but without failure we would not be able to learn from our mistakes. As seen with Lady MacBeth, ambition gives purpose to their meaning. I believe the end result of how one’s ambitions lead them too does little to establish whether an ambition is a positive or a negative. Afterall, the main thing that matters is the process. The process indicates whether we have strived for what we want as well as a consistent mind.