Their recent press release demands "we must dismantle white supremacy". I never thought I could love Ben & Jerry's more. The well-known ice cream brand has time and time again proven to be the best for many reasons. Most notably, the progressive company stands for social justice warriors for more than their politically-charged flavor names.
I'm proud to say that my senior Facebook name was "Ben & Jenni's" because you best believe I stand with Ben & Jerry.
Founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield admitted: "When we founded this humble company in Burlington, Vermont back in 1978, we started with 3 simple beliefs: only the best ingredients go into our ice cream, our company should be run with integrity, and All Cops Are Bastards."
Ben & Jerry's is out here doing the most for the Black Lives Movement and demanding us to do the same.
While other companies are giving a slap on the wrist and pointing their fingers at society's structural racism, the popular ice cream company is calling everyone out and really said, "F**k the police."
The company didn't just condemn racism and police brutality but listed four specific steps we must all take. This is our solution.
Here are 18 reasons that prove Ben & Jerry's is officially the best ice cream company ever:
They won't stand for any B.S., including police brutality
Ahem, do you know what their new A.C.A.B Cookie Crunch flavor stands for?
They know how to laugh
They've been around for awhile, specifically since 1978
Have you ever tried PhishFood?
Been my favorite flavor of ice cream since the good ol' 2005.
They have vegan and non-dairy options
Becuase no matter our dietary choices, we all crave a brain freeze.
They aren't afraid to get a little risky with alcohol
Cookie Dough chunks were worth the wait
Yes, I did put myself on the waitlist when rumors of this glorious item leaked.
Apparently dogs roam around their headquarter's office
They have a flavor for every occasion
Don't forget about their Netflix & Chill'd flavors.
Their Instagram is stock full of ingenious recipes
Their Half-Baked flavors make me salivate
They are helping educate society
Make sure to scroll through their Instagram feed to learn more.
Their stores are decorated with a bunch of cute cows
They will never stop fighting for what they believe in one scoop at a time
Nor should they. Thank you Ben and Jerry for using your platform for good and changing the world for the better.