It sounds like common sense. Believe truth, don't believe lies. Got it. Simple.
But man, it's easier said than done. And I'm speaking from experience.
Lately I've noticed myself (without even realizing it at first) believing lies. Repeating them to myself in my head over and over.
About the kind of person I am.
The kind of friend I am.
About what I deserve (and don't deserve).
I don't know where these lies came from, and I don't know why they seemed so real. Maybe they stemmed from hurt. Maybe from unresolved bitterness. Maybe from the enemy and maybe from myself.
But the source is less important than the realization of what those thoughts really were - lies.
Through a conversation with a friend, I was reminded of the truth that combats those lies. Truth that is backed up by everything God says about me.
About the kind of person I am.
The kind of friend I am.
About what I deserve (and don't deserve).
The words that God uses to describe each and every one of us may not line up with the words we hear in our head.
But the Truth is in His words, not in our thoughts.
These words are already truth, it's up to us to make them our truth.
"but you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." -1 peter 2:9