As the time drew near
She feared of what was to come
Her heart was in despair for her country
All she yearned for was peace.
She knew neither candidates were suitable for The People, her people
She feared turmoil, disaster, and an undivided nation.
As the polls reached their end
A feeling of dismay overwhelmed her.
She focused her thoughts on what good was to come from the final results.
Good thoughts.
Positive energies.
Suddenly, her world turned dark
She saw the fear and commotion
Her heart hurt for the weak
Some of her closest friends were distraught
They feared for their future
And well-being.
She was saddened by the words of others,
Such demeaning words, ruthless actions, hatred everywhere.
Society is not safe.
She yearned for a safe haven
One of positive energies,
a place to be free.
She made a safe haven, full of peace and love
She welcomed all to come.
Show the world love, despite what is going on around you, we need each other, now more than ever. We have to be each others support group. Bring peace, love, and positive thoughts to the ones around you. Be a safe haven, be comforting, and most of all, kind.