Everyone knows that mistakes are a part of life. They're inevitable and they always seem to bring a sense of shame and upset through the door with them. The general consensus is that mistakes, even tiny ones, are bad and should be avoided at all costs. While avoiding mistakes is preferable, we need to learn that sometimes mistakes are okay.
I, like a few others in the world, struggle with even the most trivial mistakes. It could be something as simple as writing down a word wrong in my planner, which in the grand scheme of things isn't a big deal, right? However, that minuscule mistake bugs me more than I can explain. Little things like this are inconsequential, but in a society where perfection is something that is highly valued and sought after, it can add some pressure to achieve that status.
In today's society, mistakes aren't viewed kindly. They're viewed as weaknesses and can impact a plethora of things in one's daily life. People need to realize that mistakes are part of life and, despite trying to prevent them, they will happen. Mistakes are how we learn and how we move forward and progress as humans. They are a part of life that is unavoidable, but the important thing is how people deal with their mistakes. People can either learn from them or act like it never happened, and that choice is one that each person has to make on their own.
"Do not take yourself too seriously. You have to learn not to be dismayed at making mistakes. No human being can avoid failures." -Lawrence G. Lovasik