Whenever I find myself in a new situation or with a new group of people, I overthink. Getting out of my comfort zone is sometimes a struggle for me and I've just really begun to realize that it's overwhelming sometimes. For example, I've recently started a new job with new people and it just has been taking me way too long to be myself. Anytime I want to say something or comment I just overthink all of their reactions and end up staying quiet. It kinda sucks.
I haven't been able to be myself with this new group of people. If you're reading this and you totally relate then girl let me tell you that you're not alone. Here are some helpful reminders for us over-thinkers when we are letting those worries and doubts get to us. I hope they help.
1. Your voice matters.
Girl, there is no other person like you on this earth. Everyone is created differently and chances are you think very differently than the person sitting next to you. What you say matters. Even that joke that you can't seem to say because you're afraid no one will laugh. Your voice matters and people care.
2. Be yourself.
Going off of the last point, literally, everyone has different personalities. I love that because everyone brings a different kind of humor or way of being that is unique. So be yourself, you are interesting and awesome, so go show the world that.
3. Be confident.
You are amazing! Believe it because it's true. You do not need to look like someone else or have to be someone else. the way you are is more than enough. So bring that confidence in the way that you speak and allow yourself to be completely yourself.
4, Don't let fear get in the way.Â
I know it can be scary to start a new conversation with someone you don't know or to be in a new place, but don't let fear hold you back from amazing friendships and opportunities. Seriously, be courageous, you seriously can do this! You won't regret it, trust me.
All in all, girl - believe in yourself. Believe that you can do this. Don't let the overthinking or fear get in your head. Push it aside. Believe that your voice matters, that you are confident and strong. Believe it because it's true! Take chances and you won't regret it.