I know everything in life becomes impatient when you strive to patiently wait for things to happen. But not everything in life will go detail to detail of how you pictured it, but if you just drop the expectations and go with the flow you'll experience a much more fulfilled life vs planning everything.
But, realistically a little impatience can spoil great plans.
We are all guilty of trying to predict when somethings are mean't to happen, for instance "when will I graduate?", "when will I get a better job?", "when will I get my own place?", "when will I get into a relationship", and so forth. No matter the age, and if you feel like you accomplished everything, everyone will always have the mindset of anticipation towards what's next in life.
Everyone has heard of the phrase "trust the process", because it pretty much applies to all elements of life, but to dive deeper it means to have faith, is to have deep sense of trust in what cannot be seen. Proof or evidence is not needed. Rather it is an inner sense of knowing that guides you. To trust the process, wholly, completely, is to not need to know what is unfolding or why, but to simply be here in the present to experience it. To trust the process means to know and have faith that there is a divine plan moving through you and your life in any moment.
It's scary to trust the process. It's scary to let go of your control and just let it be. You can't always have a plan (and even if you do have one, you can't always execute it.) This is OK, because it is a part of the process.
Imagine who you could be if you stopped focusing all of your time and energy into worrying and trying to control things, and instead chose to learn from each and every moment.
It isn't until you give up the illusion that you have control over anything that is happening that you can start to fully and completely let go, live your life, and watch what amazing things can happen. Because amazing things will happen, whether you're killing yourself trying to force them to happen or not.
Everything will work out exactly how and when it is supposed to, regardless of how and may you want it to be. Let your faith in the journey be stronger than your doubts and fears. Be patient with yourself and your growth, knowing that good things always take time. Give yourself space and time to explore the journey and the path you are on, so might well enjoy the journey along the way.
Always remember that life is the least bit set in stone, if you don't like your current direction switch directions. Things change all the time. Tide's change, feelings change, perspectives change, so don't worry just go with the flow.
Everything you go through in life, you will have to conquer all the adaptations to grow through it.
Nothing comes easy, nor does anything come certain. Worrying about things that haven't happened yet are just a stressor that erupts in your life.
Maybe one day you'll look back and realize you were blooming all along.
Envision your dreams, but don't spend everyday of your life planning for them.
Cherish this present day of your life, and just trust the process and timing of your life.
"Without rain, nothing grows. So learn to embrace the storms of your life."