"I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds - achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years."
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe.
In the Future Farmers of America Organization (FFA), the FFA Creed starts every paragraph with "I believe". This creed is what us FFA members believe in.
I was a sophomore when I joined FFA. Although I didn't know what exactly I was getting myself into at the beginning. I was shy when I first joined and wouldn't really talk to anyone in the chapter. As time went on, I got involved more; made friends within my chapter and taught my family what exactly FFA is.
"Isn't FFA just for farmers?" This was a common question asked by my family when I told them that I was an FFA member. After a while, this question aggravated me. There is a stereotype that FFA is just for farmers, but that is not true. FFA is for the people who are passionate about agriculture, leadership and making a difference.
When it comes to competing, FFA can make the shyest person, confident. My advisor, "Mama B", used tactics to improve our public speaking that normally wouldn't be done. My sophomore year, I competed in the FFA Creed competition. All I had to do was memorize the FFA Creed. Sounds easy right? Think again. When every paragraph starts with the words "I believe" it is incredibly easy to get the paragraphs mixed up. In order to get me over my fear of speaking in public, I'd stand on the classroom tables and say the speech to my friends while they threw candy at me to make sure that I could say the Creed with distractions; it worked like a charm.
Every time I zipped up that blue corduroy jacket, I was a student who represented not only their chapter but their school. In that jacket, I experienced many successes, failures, sweat and memories. It taught me to be brave, self confident and got me over all my fears. It blessed me with a second family and an amazing advisor. It gave me the opportunity to make my school proud. It helped me figure out what I want to spend my life doing; defending agriculture.
"I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task."
I believe that I can continue to make an impact on agriculture without wearing the blue corduroy jacket because I will forever be an FFA member.