The book fairy movement is growing slowly but surely world wide thanks to people who love books. Part of the reason why the movement is so successful, I think, is due to the fact that anyone can join in. Young or old, famous (such as the actress and feminist Emma Watson) or just little, nobody me from Ironton, Ohio. It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what sparked your passion for literacy, as long as you have an extra favorite book and a want to spread the joy of reading it to someone else, you can get you book fairy wings. I first found out about the Book Fairies on "National Women's Day" when I saw Emma Watson post videos and pictures of herself on social media leaving women activist books with Book Fairy Trademark stickers and ribbons all over locations and monuments honoring famous women who have changed the world one way or another over the years.
I loved the idea that someone, somewhere had found a way so simple and effortless to spread love and literacy had somehow become large enough for someone like Emma Watson to support and be an active part of. Since then, not only has Watson done many more book drops of her own, but I have also gotten some wings of my own. I have closely followed the Book Fairy Worldwide pages and I have dropped quite a few books off in my months of planning. The feeling of pure glee and mystery when you return to the scene and see that your book is gone never gets old.
I strive to leave books that were just a pure joy to read and those that honestly helped me through some part of my life in hopes that they will do the same for someone else. In the world we live in today, it is hard to find people who truly appreciate the power of the written word and it is people out there like the common Book Fairy who give me hope that one day, a little girl somewhere in this world will be reading a book and eating up every word like I once did and still do to this day.
Click here to explore more and get your own wings
Happy Hiding!