The other day, I was having a deep conversation with someone and they asked me, "Why do you believe in God?". I was perplexed. I'd never gotten that question before. Honestly, at first thought, I didn't know how quite to answer it. I mean, I believe in God for a number of reasons. However, I guess it had never dawned on me that everyone believes in God for a different reason. That was when I began to think and soul-search for all of the reasons that I personally believe in God.
I believe in God because: Look out your window and tell me what you see. Maybe it's the green grass and the bright blue skies, or maybe it's a million stars in the sky with the bright moon shining in. How can you look at all of that, marvel at it, sit and admire it, and not stand awe-struck. I mean, that's God's creation out there. How could it not be?
I believe in God because: Think about your friends and every single person you've come into contact with. You can't tell me that every person that you've met, seen, or talked to is the same whether looks or personality. Even identical twins aren't truly identical. We're all different and we're all unique. Humans, animals, insects, etc. We're all too complex and too different to have not been created by something so much greater than ourselves.
I believe in God because: There have been countless times that I have been shown mercy, grace, and love when I didn't deserve it. I don't call that coincidental. One or two times, maybe, but whenever I've been shown endless mercy, grace, and love over and over again, day after day and year after year, that's when I just stand here, so undeserving but so thankful, that someone loves me so much to show me and grant me what I don't deserve when I need it the most. No matter what I've done or what I will do, He extends mercy, grace, and love.
I believe in God because: God breaks my chains, He rights my wrongs, He makes me new, He has overcome. He gave His life so that I could live, and that astonishes me. Someone thought that I was significant enough to go to the cross so that I could live the life that I do.
I believe in God because: In the hardest times and in my darkest hours, when things are changing rapidly, only one thing, time and time again, has proven to be constant; God. In heartbreak, in pain, and in hurt, I find peace in knowing that I will always have a friend, a rock, a comforter, a stronghold, and a confidant. I will always have someone that I can talk to, and that's so relieving. I have someone that I can run to, and so do you.
I believe in God because: When I am successful or something good happens, there is always someone to thank for that. When things are going my way, I thank God. I thank Him because He was the one who blessed me with the gifts, talents, and capabilities that I possess. Ultimately, when I am successful due to those gifts, talents, and capabilities, I thank God. Who else can I be thankful to? I didn't give myself the necessary tools to be successful, He did.
So, with all of this said, your faith is on loan until you make it your own. So, I encourage you to ask yourself, "Why do I believe in God?".