I am not your typical young adult that is growing up in today's society. For one, my beliefs are completely different than most you would hear today. Today's young adult generation is not only a disappoint to be a part of, but it is also annoying growing up in a 'keep-up' society.
I truly believe that I was born in the wrong generation. I wish that I was a young adult either in the late 60's-early 70's or the mid-80's. There are so many things about those time periods that I absolutely love. The music, the films, the culture, the fashion, the attitudes, everything. Today's generation is just not what I pictured myself to be a part of.
Living in today's society can be perfectly summed up by 'keep-up'. People are always in a competition for who is the best at a certain sport, or whose child is the best, who is the smartest, who wears the most expensive clothes, who drives the best car, who makes the most money. It is like people are robots. Nobody is happy because they are in constant competition with everybody else to make sure that they are up-to-date with what everybody else has at the moment. People are just concerned with making money (Nevermind the fact that they hate their jobs.) so that they can afford to pay for all of these things. When in reality, most people can not even ACTUALLY afford these things, they just live in debt so that to everyone else it looks like they are living 'perfectly fine' since they have the nice car, the nice house, and the nice clothing.
For starters, today's generation believes everything comes free with no work. I have never been able to wrap my head around this idea. I have a job and I actually like working for my own money because it gives me a sense of accomplishment. However, most people my age believe that they should just be handed everything in life rather than working for it and having something to be proud of. This can even go hand in hand with volunteer work. Volunteer work among my age group is seldom heard of. There are the people who have a heart of gold that would be the first ones to sign up when volunteers were needed for something, and then there are the people that you would never catch volunteering for anything.
Crime is another reason I am embarrassed to grow up in this generation. This actually plays a major role in why I am double majoring in Psychology and Criminal Sociology in school. Back in the day people did not just shoot somebody or stab somebody because they had a disagreement. Yes, there was still crime and there will always be crime. However, unnecessary crime has escalated over the past several decades. You can not go anywhere anymore without being scared for your life that somebody could just pull a gun out if you piss them off. It is unnecessary and unethical. Weapons were never intended to be used like this. Whatever happened to having a discussion with somebody when you disagreed with them? Or even fights among people today almost always result in a weapon being pulled. I mean, if you are going to fight, then fight with your hands. Not with a weapon. If you use a weapon, then that is NOT fighting, that means you are intending to kill or hurt another person.
Another reason this generation pisses me off is the fact that they are so consumed in social media and technology. Of course, I have social media, an iPhone, and a Mac, but that does not mean I have to be on them 24/7. Get out and enjoy the sun, read a freakin' book (Wow, I know... That sounds like a long stretch doesn't it?), go for a walk, lay in a hammock outside and listen to music, do something that does not involve you being on technology. Parents, make your children do something daily that does not involve technology. It will only benefit them. (Yeah I know, I am only 19 and I do not have children so what the hell do I know right? I promise you, I DO know a thing or two, so just take my word on this.)
One of the biggest things I hate about today's society is the fact that most people are consumed with themselves. The 'selfie' generation came around during this time, so that should just go to show you. Although, for the most part, this idea falls to the fault of society/the media because society drills into your head the idea that you can only trust yourself, or to "worry about yourself". But of course, my generation twisted that into being cocky about themselves. Everyone is so consumed with themselves that they believe they do not have time to worry about others. If it does not benefit themselves, then you can count them out of whatever you need them to do.
Living in this generation honestly scares me because there are so many twisted and evil things that are in this world that my generation is falling victim to. It terrors me to think of the fact that the people I am growing up with will one day run the country when my children are on Earth one day. Just think, if the world is this messed up now, how much worse can it get?
The truth is, chances are those people who got upset reading this probably fall victim to one of these ways that my generation is growing up. My generation runs from the idea that we are wrong. This is the truth from someone on the inside of the 'young-adult' generation, which is something you do not see very often. My generation would rather hear the good lies than the bad truth, and it should not be this way. Once people understand that we are not starting off on the right foot, then maybe, just maybe we can start to fix things so that our future is not as messed as it is projected to be.