Family-centered cartoon comedy shows are extremely popular. The Simpsons, Family Guy and, of course, Bob's Burgers top the list. The Belchers represent something unique to this genre: a family we desperately want to be a part of. Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene and Louise are all individually funny and together create a dysfunctional, yet endearing family dynamic. And the results of this are absolutely hilarious.
1. Gene’s unintentional innuendos are endearing.
2. They’re not afraid to give each other the cold, hard truth.
3. Linda is a mom who is not afraid to throw down.
4. Tina has exceptional curiosity and keeps things interesting.
5. Bob’s honesty is what everyone wants in a dad.
6. They give each other good advice.
7. They're always there for each other.
8. Louise is the perfect sister who’s tough, feisty and entertaining.
9. They keep each other from making bad decisions.
10. They make car rides are fun.
11. They give each other confidence.
12. Their extended family is pretty great, too.
13. They’re proud of being a family.
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