Now, going vegan is not for everyone. It takes a lot of motivation, planning, dedication, and focus.
There are many reasons people go vegan, some choose this way of life because of the violence animals receive, some do it because of dairy restrictions due to health concerns, others take on this eating habit because of the health benefits. The list really could go on and on. But the real reason people go vegan is for their own personal reasons, it has nothing to do with you...that's why you're not vegan and they are. Makes sense right?
So for me, I chose to go vegan because everyday I was struggling with intense headaches, extreme stomach pains. I felt disgusting, I could never fall asleep or stay asleep. I lost focus in school and at work easily, and I was struggling with other heath concerns that held me back from social events, work events, and weekend fun. I was sick of saying, "I'm sorry I can't, I don't feel well."
After speaking with my doctor about my concerns and symptoms, as well as doing weeks worth of research, we both came to the conclusion that it was -at the very least- worth a try.
Now to sit here and say I've been 100% vegan since January is not the truth, I have gone off the path. Cheese is good okay? But for real, when I went back to eating dairy and meats I started to feel like I used to- sick, disgusting, headaches, not sleeping.
To me, it seems pretty clear, being vegan is not for everyone, but it definitely is the right decision for me. To be more specific, here are exactly 5 reasons why:
1. I finally feel free, fresh, and focused. I feel good about what I eat, I feel clean and on a healthy path, and I can see the difference in my school work and my accomplishments at work too. All of a sudden it seems hard to explain, but this feeling is one I miss when I get off track, and one that motivates me to keep this new habit going.
2. I can sleep again!! This was HUGE for me. Everyday on my way home from work I call my grandma, everyday she asks "how are you?", everyday my answer was "tired". Then it would be 10pm I would be in bed, diffuser on, staring at the blackened ceiling. Soon enough it would be 12-midnight, diffuser is still going, lavender fills my room, I'm stuck tossing and turning. Then, wide awake, it would be 2am and I am exhausted, pissed, and I still cannot fall asleep. Well now, 10pm hits and I'm tired and next thing I know my alarm is going off to get ready for work, a full night's sleep.
3. Being so focused and feeling more free than before, I have been able to get a handle on my depression and have been able to overcome the absolute worst moments of my life. I felt so in the dark, no tunnel of light, not even a speck of light. Being vegan, eating fresh foods full of nutrients and proteins, that brought me back. I feel like finally I am beginning to find the right path to come towards the light.
4. With all of this positive feedback from being vegan, I have been able to focus on other aspects of my life. Such as all the negative things I had in it, pointless negativity towards people who I haven't spoken to in years, negativity I would bring home form a bad day at work, negativity from stress and drama, negativity from other people's lives and complaints. Why was I letting all that into my life? I finally stopped letting it in, I stopped drawing the negativity in even if that meant having to step aside from things and having to end relationships. This has been the best decision of my entire life.
5. I am finding my true self. I am seeing who my real friends are, I am realizing my full potential, I am gaining more confidence in my work and my whole self, I am finding the drive to participate in my hobbies and grow relationships with my family members.
So there is either one of two sides you're on right now. Side 1: Being vegan seems like it's a lot of work but maybe something I could at least try. OR Side 2. She's full of crap and there is no way all of this happened because she became vegan. No matter what "side" you're on, I am here to tell you all of this really did happen, and when I fall off track with being vegan I instantly turn back to the old feelings and old self.
Whether or not you agree with veganism or not, you have to understand being vegan can be someone's passion, it could be someone's only food option, or it could be the only thing that saves someone from the deepest darkest place this world brings us.
Being vegan is not for everyone, you are obviously entitled to your own opinion. But remember, vegans are also entitled to their opinions too.