Growing up I was picked on. It started out in middle school. I don’t know why I was chosen or singled out, but I was. Almost each day it was something different. They would always call me fat and ugly. Obviously, it hurt my feelings as a kid. To this day I can still remember how they made me feel. These feelings don’t go away easily.
It took me years of bringing myself up to take away from how awful they made me fell. I was picked on for four years before moving out of state. It was so easy to move because I didn’t have any friends to worry about losing. When I entered the new school, of course, there was still some teasing, but that was to be expected in Middle school. As I entered High School there was virtually no bullying towards me.
The years from I was bullied took a toll on me. But now after years of building myself up, I finally have confidence in myself. I’m not saying it’s high but there is confidence there. Every now and again I get reminded of those feelings the bullies put on me. Those feelings may never go away. But I deal with them every day.
I gained my confidence back in make-up. Make-up has made me feel good about myself. Not just when I’m wearing make-up but even when I wipe it off at the end of the day I have confidence in myself. Make-up was my escape. I’ve only been wearing it for a few years but each time I get a compliment on my work I gain confidence. That not shallow, I worked hard and it pays off. It feels good when you get complimented on something you work hard on, and for me that’s make-up.
Everyone gains confidence differently. Writing, art, music, there is always an outlet that lets those who were pushed down for years and builds them up. You have to find yours. There will always be something different about you that builds you up and gives you the confidence that a bully tried to take from you so long ago. There is always an escape from how a bully once made you feel. It’s never too late to find yours.