We have all done it, we fall for someone and we worry about what they think about us, we worry about how we are acting, we worry that something we do is going to mess up what could turn into something really great.
I do. I did. I should not have.
I fell and I fell hard. For a little bit I was in this odd state of bliss but it ended after they saw a side of me they didn't like.
Someone should love you for you. That means if you're a flirt they get it, if you are loud and crazy somedays and super introverted the next they get it, if you want to go crazy and let lose and party one night they get it and it won't change how they see you.
The thing is, we are all who we are going to be but we all have a side of us that comes out on rare occasion and thats the side that the person you care about should be able to handle. It took me years to realize that and even today I still fall into the same routine but once I come to my senses I know I am better off.
Why would I or anyone want to be with someone they can't be them-self around? I mean completely them-self: the good, the bad, the ugly, the crazy, all of it. Let me tell you something, I can be a handful and I know it but I know someone will be just as much as a handful as me and we will be amazing together. Until then though, I am not settling and you shouldn't either.
I had a very dear friend tell me this years ago, and another very dear friend tell me this not two weeks ago, they are both right and I should have listened a long time ago but I had to learn the hard way. I am stubborn like that.
Not to settle is not the only less here though. Be yourself. Who the hell cares if someone doesn't like you? Screw them. I will not stand here and say I love myself as much as I should because I don't. I do however love who I am working towards becoming and I am not going to let anyone get in the way of that, not ever again.
Letting someone get in the way of loving myself is the dumbest thing I could have ever done and will ever do. I am 19, I still have a long life to do dumb things but that will always be number one.
Looking back I worried so much about what the people I liked thought of me and I didn't even realize I was doing it. When you are asking yourself "why don't they like me" it is one of two things: 1. you're not being yourself and they can tell or 2. they are not the right one.
So, to the person who inspired me to write this....
Those few days were amazing and I learned a lot about myself from it. I wish it could have lasted longer but I also know everything happens for a reason. You're am amazing person, beautiful, smart, adorable, talented, so so talented and you will do great things. I would have loved to get to know you more and learn everything there was to learn and maybe one day I will, who knows, but until then
Thank you.