Recently, I decided to make a huge change: I decided to dye my hair purple. If you know me, then you know I have really blonde hair that I love and I am typically a very conservative person when it comes to my appearance. It just so happened that one day I saw this photo in my newsfeed of this gorgeous purple hairstyle and I had to have it. Three months later, and I finally did it! I went back and forth these last few months trying to decide if I should do it. What if it looks terrible? What if no one likes it? What if people judge me? But this isn't what is important. Dying my hair purple has been the first step in revealing some truths I would have never thought about otherwise.
If there is anything that I learned over the last week, it is that until we learn who it is we are trying to impress, we can never really rise to our full potential. We as humans spend so much time thinking about what other people think of us that we lose sight of what matters - what does God think of me? I would like to think that God could care less what color my hair is this week. Instead, He is thinking about what kind of person I am on the inside. How do I treat others? How do I treat myself? Am I so worried about what others think of me, am I not being my genuine self that God created me to be?
I used to have a lot of self-doubt because I spent so much of my time worrying about what other people were thinking of me. I spent endless hours pretending to be whatever I needed to in order to blend in with the crowd. I tailored my clothes, my hair, even my personality to be a part of the crowd. I never realized this until I reached adulthood. I spent so much time trying to be the person I thought would blend in when I actually believe we were created to stand out.
The bible talks about how God created each and every one of us, no one the same. Maybe the person He created is so much more useful than the one I had spent so long trying to be. The more time I took to find out who I was, the happier I became. I hope that everyone can see a noticeable change as I learn more about who I was created to be and less about who the world tells me to be.
So if it took me having purple hair to realize who I am, what will it take for you to realize who were you created to be?