College is great; best four years of your life, and you told yourself that you'd never miss high school. You would leave your school and your town and never look back. That is better said than done. Being away from the people that were your family away from your family for school is harder than you realize, and sooner than later you find yourself looking through old pictures of you and your friends and crying on your dorm room bed. Pathetic, but you don't care, you embrace how pathetic you are. It's fine, everything's fine.
Being at home with all your high school friends is so nice because you feel like you're in high school again. No cares, all the time in the world and you don't have to worry about any of your troubles. It's like being in a time machine. It's an amazing feeling. You've missed your friends so much you didn't even know you could miss them this much. They are your very best friends and nothing could ever change that, not even a year apart.
Having a group message makes the time apart better because you don't have to miss each other as much. You get to talk to each other every day. Seeing your high school friends graduating and getting older is like being a proud mother because you've been with them since they were freshmen and saw them grow up. It's like having empty nest syndrome when they leave for school, and you see how they felt when you left. They are all growing so fast and becoming adults without you. All that doesn't matter because you are all together again and happy. Being happy with the ones you grew up with is such a great feeling. It's like being a little kid again. That feeling is like something you just want to bottle up and keep for a bad day back at school.
Although all the finals are awful and the papers are annoying, you at least have a light at the end of the tunnel. That light is being with the ones you love the most and being able to laugh like you were in high school again. Meaning, you have no worries, except where you're going to hang out and whose dog you're going to see first.
Seeing you friends' parents is almost better than seeing them because they are so excited to hear all of the kids yelling in their house or being obnoxious when their pizza gets there. They missed it even though it makes their hair fall out. You love them because they are your second, third and fourth parents. Just like your parents only they can't yell at you.
Finally, you see yourself being the same you as in high school, just hanging out, not worrying about a thing and that is just how you like it.