Would you rather be known to be wise or be known as a good person?
Some would say both, but at the end or our lives, I believe we are either one or the other. Life can get complicated and not always work out in the way we want it to be simply because shit happens.
I, for one, would rather be known to be wise (I want to live up to the definition of my name after all). Being thoughtful and cautious is the way to go: it can save you from heartache and from making catastrophic decisions.
There is a saying that says, "people make mistakes and mistakes can make people." I do not want to be foolish enough to where one careless mistake will determine the rest of my life.
Of course, one can argue that some mistakes are meant to be made. It's how people can learn and broaden their horizons, even find love.
But, how often is a person ready to make mistakes?
There can be great risk to that kind of thinking. How can a person live if they are always making mistakes? Are they really learning and building their character at that point?
I do not really know the answer to that question. I am young and fearful of really living because I don't want to fail, feel rejected or even hated for my individuality and whiplash thinking. Maybe it all takes a leap of faith or hell, even a little bit of self-confidence to get the ball rolling.
To live is to make mistakes: no one is perfect. NO one gets out of life alive. Making mistakes can lead someone to the righteous path.
Yes, it may be difficult but it's worth a shot.
Personally, being good is about how you define it. Do you want to be known for the good deeds you have committed? Are you gracious, faithful, non-judgmental and self-accepting enough to admit you're a good person? Do you know you can say that with confidence on the last day you are on the Earth?
Honestly I'm just throwing darts out there, I am no philosopher or a therapist. I'm just someone that likes to think they are thinking outside the box. I hope that in many years, I will know the answer.