Instagram. Followers. Facebook. Friends.
How do these social platforms impact us? How do they fit into our lives? What would happen if you were unfriended or unfollowed? What would be your reaction? What if someone dear to you unfriended or unfollowed you? How would you respond?
Put yourself in their shoes. They unfollowed you. Unfriended you. Same thing. You find out. How does this make you feel? Confused? Definitely. Curious on why they did what they did? Surely. Angry? Maybe a little. But you want to get back at them somehow. Let them know that you won't sit by and watch them disrespect you. But how? And should you?
Recently a friend of mine that I've known since 8th grade unfollowed me, even though we were on good terms and things seemed hunky-dory. I have no idea why they unfollowed me, but I know I can't do much about it. We were still friends on Facebook, and I had this thought that penetrated my mind:
"If someone cannot respect you in one area of your life, what makes you think they would respect you anywhere else?"
I contemplated unfriending them. It would make sense, knowing that they "unfriended" me on another social platform. It was a tough decision. Not really. I unfriended them as soon as I opened my Chrome browser on my phone.
Friendship is just like any relationship. You have to put effort into it. If the other person gives up, why must you keep chugging on like nothing has happened? The interesting thing about social media is that you can be insightful and interpret people's actions without talking or even seeing them. Even one letter, "K" can send paragraphs of hidden meanings. Perhaps social media lets us browse people's minds better than the real world?
Enough about that. I'm going to wrap up this story into a tiny life lesson.
Friendship is as powerful as the two who make it. If I am disrespected, that's it. My flow of respect stops. You unfollow me? That's disrespectful to me, my character, and my identity. So I will meet you halfway and sever the rest of the ties. Since I am an INFJ personality type, I see right through the bullcrap and take none of it with me. Maybe that's why I treasure the value of respect. Maybe that's why I am constantly let down because I hold people to this same standard. I'm not mean or vengeful. When someone neither wants to see your life or support you as a person, cut that anchor away. No matter how long they've been with you.