Everyone without a major will recognize this moment. It's the dreaded icebreaker, where everyone goes around saying what their major is and you have to say that you are undecided. Being confident in your decision and why you decided to be..... well, undecided will help make this moment a lot less awkward and a lot more satisfying.
Before you pass judgment on me for not having a major and tell me that I am wasting my money, consider what I have to say. Now I know to some it might seem a little silly to be spending money on tuition when you don't even know what you want to do with your life. The truth is, even though you might not be sure about what you want to do yet, but how the heck are you going to figure it out without seeing what is out there for you.
Now, I'm not oblivious and I know there is plenty of online information out there about different majors and career paths. These are great resources for many people to learn and figure themselves out from, but for many, we need more than that. How can you be expected to make a decision of what you want to do for the rest of your life without even having one small real-life glimpse of what it would be like, and what the work would look like?
All I'm saying is that in a lot of ways being undecided can be a great thing. It allows you to explore a lot of different options for yourself without feeling locked into something that you aren't even sure that you would like. Instead of thinking of it as being undecided, think of it as being open to explore the possibilities when you aren't completely sure how you want your life to turn out and you aren't ready to make that commitment. Just remember above all that it is okay and that you will figure it out, These things take time. Good luck to all my indecisive friends out there. :)