Being a Campbellsville Tiger means a lot to me. For the past year and a half, I have known that I was going to be a Tiger. But to me, that meant more than just the school I was going to. It meant a new beginning, a new adventure, and endless opportunities. It also meant that my world was changing faster than I could keep up with it. But that’s okay. God had a plan.
When I transferred to Campbellsville I felt like I was finally getting my life together. God had provided me with an apartment I could afford, great advisors, some great friends in the Tiger Marching Band, and classes hadn’t even started yet. As the semester began and the seasons changed, I began to notice that I was changing. I was beginning to find myself. And I loved it! It was by far one of the best experiences of my life. To learn one’s true self! However, things took a turn for the worst when I went through a hard break up. I lost focus on finding myself and wanted to just spend my days alone. Then God got ahold of me. He showed me that finding myself is more than just knowing who I am, it is striving every day to find a new piece of the puzzle called identity, and putting it all together in the end.
Spring semester rolled around and I was back at it, trying my hardest to find myself. Over Christmas break I had made some head way and I learned that keeping my heart and mind open made it a lot easier to learn. I started dating someone new and all she has done is help me find myself even more. Between her and God, I have found my calling, and put another piece of my puzzle together, being a leader and someone who helps everyone every chance I get. This is a great feeling and I look forward to being able to discover more of my story.
As I sit at home, a quarter of the way through my second year at CU, I think about the adventures I have had over the past year. How much I have learned, how much I have lost, and how much I have gained. Being a Tiger isn’t something that I take lightly. Over the past year, I have gone from hardly being involved on campus at all, to being in several different organizations and going to events on campus on an almost nightly routine. I have also made a ton of new friends and I hope that my life can be an example to them, both in things you shouldn’t do and things you should do. To me, being a Tiger means following God’s design, being a servant leader among others, and stepping up when everyone else is stepping down. I no longer back down from a challenge; I rise above it. I no longer hold myself up in my apartment and hide from the light, I open the door to anyone who wishes to come in and I share the light of the Lord. When I am called to do something, I no longer say no, but I answer the call. God has given me a path to follow, and a lot of homework to do. But that’s just part of being a Tiger.