Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and I'm sure some of you ladies are sad you don't have a date. Well, listen here... If you're sad, then I want you to do something for me. Put on a nice dress, throw on the biggest smile you have, and go out with some friends or family. Be independent. Buy yourself something nice. Compliment yourself. You're all beautiful, and you don't need a man to tell you that.
Being single is a choice, ladies. You either want it or you don't. Choosing to be single is a bold statement. It's stating you're an independent woman who doesn't need a man around. It's choosing freedom and life. It's choosing yourself.
But wow, doesn't it just feel great?!
I truly love being single. I feel free as a bird. I can do what I want, when I want, without having someone else's opinion in the matter. I learn new things about myself every day. I'm still seeing what I like and exploring, and I want to travel the world and see things I never thought I'd see.
I want to scratch things off my bucket list. I want to enjoy life with friends and family. I want to go on adventures with my dogs. I want to start my career and be a successful woman. I want a house with some land. I want many things, and I know I can achieve them all on my own.
I'm independent. I don't need a man to wine and dine me. As they say, "Treat Yo' Self". I don't need a man to call me beautiful. I already know I'm beautiful, along with every other single girl out there, and honestly, I have no tolerance or patience for guys nowadays. And you know what? If I want some flowers, I'll buy them my own damn self.
Independence, y'all.
I wasted so much of my teen years trying to find Mr. Right and ended up nowhere. I'm not wasting any more of my time or my heart. I have so much to give and so little time to do things. I want to do things my way. And really, I changed over the years. I'm a different version of myself. I used to want a boyfriend to sweep me off my feet, but times changed. I decided the single life was my best life.
Be that free bird, and live your life how you want to. Go out and shine your confidence. You deserve to be the best you, whether that is with someone or by yourself. Do you, sweetheart.
Now, go out and take on the world day by day (as the Spice Girls say, "Girl Power!"), and wait for the right guy to come along. You owe it to yourself. You're your own knight in shining armor.