Once upon a time, I was the only child. I was happy by myself until 5 years later, I was introduced to my little sister. She was this tiny little thing, that according to my mom I didn't like very much. Now that I am older I can see why my younger 5 year old self did not like the privilege and differences on how we were being treated.
Honestly, I think the difference between the rules that I had and that my younger siblings have are completely different. In my opinion as parents grow older and more experienced with children they start to not care as much about certain roles with their children. One prime example of that in my teen years would be me dying my hair. My mom being that she is a cosmetologist (aka hair dresser) would always have the people come over so she could color their hair. As a teen of course I begged my to let me do it, if course she said no until I was 18. Next thing you know 5 years later I have blinden streak in my hair. I am not kidding when I say that not even one week later my 13 year old sister had blue and green streaks in hair.
We really are just the “tester" children. The ones that parents have to experiment with. If something goes wrong with us they will not do it with the next child, if they feel as if they were to harsh the first time or too overprotective then they will back off with the second one. I can not express enough how easily second, third, fourth, and so on children have it being first sucks. We have to deal with all these rules and restrictions that you younger siblings probably haven't even heard about.