Now, I am not saying that drinking is a bad thing. I am also not saying that I will be the D.D. every single night, but for now, it is my usual role, and I'm not mad about it.
1. There is always free entertainment
"Let's jump off the roof into the pool!!!!"
2. You usually have a pretty good game of "Beer" Pong
Oh, you know, it is a lot easier to make a solo cup when you can see straight -- And no worries, there's only a little water in the cup to make sure they don't tip because the drinkers have a full beer in the left hand and throw with the right!
3. When your friend sends that “My head hurts” text you just giggle
Your response is usually along the lines of "hahahahahaha I bet it does-- better get you some Pedialyte for that one"
4. You have just as much fun
Maybe, even more, fun, because hey, tomorrow morning no one around you will even remember what they did, much less what you did...
5. No one cares that you aren’t drinking
A huge misconception is that if you’re not drinking, everybody is going to care or think it’s weird--lol no one even takes the time to notice you aren't drinking so you really don't get these looks
6. The truth ALWAYS comes out of the back seat
You want to know whose house a friend has been staying at? Or why ____ just fell off the face of the earth? Just ask the back seat, they'll have a sure answer...
7. If you mention food, they are going to agree whole-heartedly
McDonald's? yep. Krystal? yep. Taco Bell? yep. There's even a good chance to get free food out of it.
8. You are the “Saint” of the night
"You are such a saint." "You are the best" "You deserve an award for putting up with drunk us every weekend" -- just a few lines you hear every single weekend...
9. Those “Do you remember…” conversations the next day
"Do you remember running through campus yelling for us to catch up? What about laying in the grass hiding? How about trying to walk through the fire?"
10. Your friends are SAFE
Best of all, you can lay down and sleep peacefully knowing all of your people are home safe no matter how annoying they may have been that night.
To all of the DDs out there, you are appreciated and you don't go unnoticed even if your friends don't always say thank you. To all the people who try to make fun of the DDs, shame on you!