My dad is a battalion chief for our town's fire department. My dad is also a part-time police officer for a neighboring town. He's worked as a part-time firefighter in another town, as a police officer for our town and is also a member of Illinois' Air National Guard. My best friend's dad worked alongside my dad at the firehouse, as does my god-father. I've grown up around first responders. When I was younger it was always cool to be the daughter of a firefighter and a cop because that's what every young child aspires to be. As I've gotten older it's become less cool because "cops are pigs." For the most part I usually only hear teenagers who got busted for underage drinking in someone's garage complaining. It's usually pretty easy to remind them what they're doing is illegal, regardless of how much fun they were having. They know the police are just doing their jobs, even if it sucks for them.
However, things have changed. I am not entirely sure when our perspective towards first responders shifted, but we no longer think positively of them. They have a target on their backs and if they're not careful they may not make it back to their families, as we've seen most recently with the Dallas shooting. Despite being the target, the police continued to run towards the line of fire while trying to protect the protestors. I want to bring awareness to this target first responders are now carrying on their backs. This target is why #BlueLivesMatter is trending.
It is important to realize that our first responders do more good than harm. We only glorify the atrocities committed by a few. I do not want to take away from the severity of what is happening in the black community. Far too many lives have been lost. However, now is not the time to incite hatred upon our first responders. Instead, it's time to come together as a nation. Whether you're fueled by rage or a desire for peace, working together is how we will change the system. It is time to shift our perspectives back. We cannot continue with this hatred that is dividing us.
I'm assuming that most calls first responders get are not dangerous or life threatening to them. However, there are the few calls that are. These calls are gruesome and haunting. These calls are difficult and it takes a person with a whole lot of love for their people to be able to respond to them, especially in a quick, controlled, and efficient manner. Firefighters, EMTS, police officers and military personnel all put their lives on the line for us. It's time we remembered that.
Growing up surrounded by first responders has influenced most aspects of my life. I have a different view and a little bit more respect for them than most people my age. Its time for us to all have that same level of respect for them. It's time for us to get the targets off their backs so they can do their jobs without fear and their families can have them home every night.