The girl that sticks out in the pictures.
The girl that can't wear heels to prom because then her dress won't hit the ground and she'll be taller than her date.
The girl that has to order her jeans online because she needs extra longs.
The girl who constantly turns down guys because they are "too short."
Yes, I am that girl, and I know that there are many others like me out there.
So here it is, the cold hard and funny truth about being tall.
Short guys look at you like giants and are sometimes scared off by your height.
Your friends are all shorter than you, and pictures just never look right.
You just sometimes have to turn down the guys that are, well, just too short.
Legs on legs... From prom dresses to jeans, you will forever hate how long your legs are. I mean, other than when they look reaaaaal good.
Everyone just assumes you are a superstar basketball player.
Back to guys, the tall ones are rare, but once you see them stand up, you are instantly in love.
Your normal pace of walking is like a sprint to your short friends.
When someone you just met tells you that you're tall as if you weren't aware of your height.
When all these girls around you can find the perfect pair of jeans, and dresses actually look like a dress and not shirts on them. They can get all the boys. Even the short ones.
Then you realize that your height is what makes you, you. Even if you feel like a giant 99% of the time.
And hey, you could stomp on half of those short dudes and judgmental girls out there. So keep staring at the tall girls, we could kick your a** any day.