One of the worst feelings in the world is being surrounded by people and still feeling completely alone.
It's that feeling you get when you walk into a room and feel not wanted at all. It's the midnight sobbing in bed wishing you just had someone to go to. It's the always assuming you have to ask to go, instead of being actually invited. It's when you're physically there but completely mentally gone.
I think that a lot of people feel like this-- but like me, they put on a smile and force themselves to feel wanted.
You don't always feel like this, sometimes you have the most amazing time around others. Other times it’s just a little difficult to feel like you belong somewhere. You have close friends but sometimes you even feel distant with them, and you often just find yourself alone.
Self-pity overcomes you, and while you’re drowning in negative thoughts your loneliness gets worse. One day you’ll learn that sometimes these people you surround yourself with are not meant to stay forever; learn to know when it’s time to let people go. Find people who make you never want to leave, and frame yourself with others who highlight the best parts of your life.
It’s okay to feel lonely when you’re by yourself, but never let someone make you feel alone while you’re with them. Your presence is a gift, and if they choose not to appreciate that then they are not worthy of your company.