Waiting -- the one thing I hate more than anything. I hate waiting in line, I hate waiting on waiting on people, I even hate waiting on class to be let out. I am constantly looking forward to something be over so I can do something else, just to find myself waiting on that to be over too. This isn't good. I'm the type of person who loves to have a plan. I like to know how my day is going to pan out from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep at night. If you walk in my room you'll see sticky notes laying everywhere with my to-do lists, and you don't even want to look at my planner because it even gives me anxiety.
As I get older, I find myself waiting on things, more often than not. Waiting on things like what am I supposed to do when I get out of college, where do I apply for a job, where do I want to live, where do I fit my relationships into these decisions. In basic terms, waiting on answers from God as to what I am supposed to do next. It terrifies me not to have a plan. But what I've come to realize it that it's okay to wait, to not know the next step, it's actually a beautiful thing.
"Be still, and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10.
This verse is always a reminder to me when I find myself worrying about my future. It reminds me to be content in my waiting. It reminds me to be still in the moment and enjoy my life at that present time. It reminds me to not worry because no matter what the next step may be, God is leading it and when the time is right He will answer me and my waiting will cease.
In this time of waiting, I've learned to not just sit and be idle. This time of waiting can be used for so much more. Even though you have no clue what is coming next, don't stop pushing towards the things you want. In this time, pray, grow yourself to become a better person for that next step God is preparing you for. This time of waiting could be exactly what you need for your next step.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding..." Proverbs 3:5-6.
There's a reason you are going through this season of waiting. Instead of killing yourself trying to plan your next move, just be still. We always try to figure out our plans on our own and when they don't work out, that is when we turn to God and ask why they didn't work They didn't work because they weren't God's plan. Trust and He will provide you with the answers you need, at the exact time you need them. When God says "keep waiting," He isn't trying to rob you of an experience you desire, but rather lead you into a greater one.
Waiting can be a beautiful time, if you let it. It's a time in your life where you don't have a plan and you can feel free to do whatever you want to do. Doesn't that sound amazing? It's a time where you can truly find yourself and find what it is that God wants you to do. When we rush something, it never turns out the way we want it to. Be still, be content, be patient, and wait for God to give you the next step you need.