Each day we are thrown obstacles that can vary from tiny to extreme. For example, what to wear for the weather or a change of major. Life can sometimes be overwhelming, making choices that come with after effects. New people are coming in and out of our lives, and even some old friends sneak back into the picture.
The Lord tells us “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10. He knows our each day what we will struggle with, and what choices we will even make. The Lord reminds us to be still in His presence because He WILL be exalted among every nation.
The minor details become less important when we learn to be still. Life isn't about begin worried if the boy likes you, or if you are having friends troubles. It isn't about worrying what church you will be attending on Sunday morning, or what you are going to eat the next day.
If Christ followers become less consumed about every day worries or what they are putting Instagram. We could see a growth in the Church itself. Believers need to show that we are broken, and show that we are sitting still in the will of the Lord. It can change our attitude about life.
My Prayer:
Lord, allow me to be still in you. I know I am broken and sinful. Allow me to strive to be closer to you each day. Allow this life of mine to glorify you to the fullest. May each person I speak to see you. Father, heal the broken hearts who are stuck worrying about the little stresses of everyday life. May your plan be revealed to them. Thank you for this life and the Love you offer!!