Valentine's Day—these are two of the most dreaded words you could possibly hear if you are a single gal like me. The day is often spent crying about being alone forever, followed by eating lots of food and candy to make ourselves feel better. If there's anyone who could appropriately convey the single girl struggle it's our girl Corinne from "the Bachelor?"
1. When you realize that this is literally your millionth year in a row without a valentine
2. When your grandma asks you who your valentine is this year
3. Eating your feelings
4. When all your girlfriends have valentines except you
5. Seeing your bae that doesn't know you exist going out with another girl
6. When your roomie gets roses and chocolates and you can't even get a text back
7. Scrolling through mushy Instagram posts
8. Waiting for that V-Day text like
9. But, ultimately, sleeping soundly at night knowing that you never have to worry about being cheated on
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