I've made it through Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years single. Now Valentine's Day is well on its way and here I am, still single. While some spend the holidays with their significant others taking cute pictures they found on Pinterest, going out to dinner, and having game night with each other's families after a home cooked meal, I'm talking to grandpa in the corner after family dinner about how college is going and how I'm still single.
I try not to feel bitter as I scroll through Instagram seeing perfectly posed couple photos with the caption stating that "It's been a great third Christmas with the love of my life!" smiley face emoji, kiss emoji, heart eyes emoji. Although I enjoy being single most of the time, every time a holiday rolls around I am thoroughly reminded that I am alone and have no one to build a ginger bread house with or kiss at midnight to bring in the new year.
Valentine's Day is the one holiday that really hits hard because it is solely based around relationships between couples who are in love. It's a time when girls get dressed to the nines and go out to a fancy dinner with their well-dressed partner. The single girls tend to either come together and bask in their singleness or sit at home and eat their feelings. It is the best day of the year to remind yourself that you are single and you don't have anyone to share the festivities with.
While for a moment on every holiday I am bitter about my relationship status and there are things I'd want to do with someone special one day, I have decided to be patient and let my cute pictures come when they may. I do my best to stay off of social media on the holidays and choose to look around and be thankful for all the many people and blessings that I do have. Until that day comes, I will continue to indulge in delicious salty foods and sweet treats. I will continue to tell my grandpa about my struggle to pass Chemistry and enjoy the time spent with my family as the holidays should be. I try to look at it as a positive rather than a negative and as a time to appreciate all that I have.
When Valentine's Day finally arrives, I'm sure I will still be in my single state, but 50 Shades Darker and I have a lovely date together. You can either choose to be bitter or choose to love and treat yourself. I know one day in the future, my holidays will include someone else, but until then they are still about family, food, and the true meaning behind their celebration because having a partner to share it with, while great, is not the only or most important thing. We may look at them as the lucky ones, but if we are blessed enough to be with friends and family during the holidays, we are blessed enough.