In my “dating years,” I don’t recall ever being in a so called single life stage. I remember a few off moments before getting back together with the same one who put me there in the first place, but never long moments of being ‘’alone.” Recently, I have been struggling to live in this stage considering we live in a generation where it’s a surprise to not have someone. Through some long nights of being upset because I felt as if no man wanted me, or I was going to be single forever, I realized that it is time I knock myself out of it, live in the moment, and enjoy being alone.
Learning to love yourself is so important. One of my favorite phrases is, “you have to love yourself before anyone can love you,” because there is so much truth behind it. I always found myself pretty confident in who I was as a person, but when I was broken up with, after I asked myself, why? Why for some reason am I not worth keeping? That is when I stopped with what I was saying and came to the conclusion that any man would be lucky to have me. This came with loving myself enough to have higher standards and not wanting to chase but for a boy to find me. Patience is key in this, and unfortunately I wasn’t born with much, but I knew that this was necessary if I wasn’t just going to date anyone who came to me. I had to except the fact that overtime, a man is worthy and believes I am too, will come without even trying. It all starts with loving who you are and knowing that you’re with worth loving.
Loving who you are comes when you realize what other values besides a relationship deserve your love. I realized how many other people around me love me and would do anything for me, things that boyfriends I had, would never attempt. Family and friends who would bend over backwards just to lend me a hand. Being single gave me a deeper love with writing and reading, recognized my strengths and weakness, which helped me better myself as well. I discovered what makes ME happy and what I can do on my own to satisfy me and make me warm inside. I have figured out what priorities I need to have, what is important to me, and what my goals are for my life ahead of me.
Yes, I will be first to admit that being single stinks, the fear of the unknown on who he is going to be, or what if he never finds me crosses my mind here and there. Instead of doubting that he will never show up, remind yourselves on all the reasons he should come to you. Have faith in fate, and believe that happy endings do exist even if it seems as if that moment will never come. You have a whole life to live and enjoy, but it is short and can be taken from you. Remember to enjoy every single moment of it with your real true love, yourself.