Raise your hand if your between the age of 17-21 and you're not dating! Well that's definitely something I am able to raise my hand for. But why does it seem taboo to be single during these years? The weird looks I receive from people when I tell them why I am single.
Recently, I told one of my friends that I was single because I've been feeling more introverted later. I went on to tell him that I have a hard time dealing with other people. He then replies, "Why would you say that?"
So it's basically like if your young and single, don't reveal to others why you're single.
There are other factors to why I am not actively seeking companionship. I'll probably receive side eyes for these reasons as well.
One of the biggest why I enjoy being by my lonesomeness is that I am trying to improve my mental health. Yes, I could easily be swept off my feet and helped by a "sweet guy" to deal with my mental health issues (hints the joke). But I would rather do this alone.
Not to sound like the biggest Negative Nancy, however, when I was in "relationships" I believe that they were a factor in my declining mental health. Again, I'm not saying that everyone is the same or every relationship is. Yet, my anxiety won't really allow me to even try. So, that is something I'm working on.
Okay, so now come the generic "I'm busy" excuse. But, recently, I have been busy. Hell, my sophomore year of college was hectic! When I'mm overly busy, I always wonder, "Where would a boyfriend fit in this?"
Luckily, I have two friends who have the same mindset that I have. I mean we're like identical triplets when it comes to these things. We have all done the relationship thing, and now we're just living life. I wouldn't say we are even looking, but, if someone catches our eye, we're open to pursuing things.
Funny story, I met my first friend Ebony in 10th grade and the other, Katelyn, in college.
Even though, I didn't know Katelyn she went to her first prom, she went alone just as Ebony and I did.
Our families gave us hell for that decision! I remember my mom and her friends telling me, "It's not going to look right if you go to prom alone." Boy, were they wrong! I looked amazing, still, to this day, I don't understand why it was an issue for me to go to prom alone.
I actually was in a relationship at the time but things were going awry, so I decided to attend prom by my lonesome. Greatest decision ever!
I believe companionship is important, yet learning to deal with life as a team of one is equally crucial. No one should be frowned upon for wanting to refrain from relationships.
It's obvious that we live in a love-driven society, but can we stop looking at single people as if they are the plague?
We never look into things like toxic codependency in relationships, yet we're quick to judge because someone is of "the dating age" and single.
It's great if you're in a relationship, and it is as equally great to be single.