I don't understand spring break in college. Yes, it's a week for students to get out of classes, but the timing is random and strange. This year, Salisbury University's spring break falls towards the end of March, not near any holidays and a week or two after most other universities have their break. So what does a single girl, home for spring break during a week everyone else still has work and school, in a location with NO NETFLIX do for spring break?
Honestly, I'm not sure. Most of my friends from college live an hour and a half or more away. My friends from other colleges are back to classes since their break already ended. I live in the middle of nowhere, with nothing of much interest to do within a 30 minute drive, and some places won't be open during the day because everyone else is in school. Did I mention that I don't have the right internet connection for Netflix? Because I don't. It's the worst.
I'll probably spend some of the week trying to convince myself to do homework so I'm not swamped when I get back. I'll probably spend way less time actually doing the homework, but some progress will be made. Probably.
I'll spend a majority of my time cuddling and playing with my cats, because I haven't seen them in almost two months. Plus they're going to be the only ones around during the day to spend time with.
I'll spend as much time as possible with my brother, who I also miss, but it will be considerably harder with his school and rehearsal schedule. We've already made plans to watch Moana at least 129493 times, so there's that to look forward to. And he just got his learners permit (congrats Adam!) so maybe I can help with a driving lesson or two.
I'll also do what I can to help out my parents, whether that be running errands (and driving! I miss driving), helping with meal prep, or going along to help them build sets for my brother's high school production.
I'll spend some of that time playing the instruments I left at home during the school year, namely piano and guitar, primarily when I'm home by myself so no one else will hear me mess up the chords. Getting back into the practice will be fun, and since I'll have so much free time, I can really expand my repertoire (which will be mostly songs from Ed Sheeran's new album Divide).
I'll spend some time just doing things for fun, which will probably include a Disney movie marathon of some sort, attempting to finish a 2.5 year old paint by number, doing a puzzle, or just coloring. You know, things that most college students don't really have the time to do during a busy week.
Most of all, I'll have time and space to myself, something that we can all agree is needed from time to time, and can be hard to come by on a college campus. And for a whole week, I won't have to worry about classes, essays, deadlines, or planning for the future. It's going to be great.
So no, I don't have any plans to go somewhere warm, party with friends, or even really go out at all this spring break. And I can't wait for it to start.