When I think of late summer to mid-October, I start to think of wedding season. People have begun to stray from traditional spring and summer weddings and move into fall for the more relaxed feel and of course cooler weather. As an unmarried female, all people seem to care about is who is getting married next. According to the bouquet toss, if you’re not married you're single.
If you’re hitting your early to mid-twenties, there’s a high likelihood you’ve been to a wedding. Being our age means we’re in that awkward age where serious relationships aren’t that serious because everyone is causally datingor everyone and their dog is having a wedding. It seems the engagement announcements on my Facebook timeline are never ending, and people you thought had that “forever love” are getting hitched or have broken up for the better. And then there’s you. Being "single" by wedding definition can cause a few unexpected emotions during this time, and I’ve tried to summarize them the best that I can.
1. Jealous
It is almost immediate and hits everyone like a brick, you want it and don’t have it. How can you not be the slightest bit jealous of someone who has the thing country singers write about? Being in your twenties is a constant cycle of trying to find love and completely giving up on it, so seeing someone who actually has the magic that is love can cause some harmless jealousy.
2. Anxious
If someone your age is getting married, it is completely normal to feel left out and worried about your relationship status. Whether you’re in a committed relationship of five years or resorting to online dating there is one thing that is fact; you’re not the one getting married that day. There was a study done that found millennials are more afraid of dying alone than being homeless. The pressure we are under to find a soulmateand get married is tough, but we can’t help but falter under the expectations.
3. Hopeful
Maybe you believe in fate, soulmates and prince or princess charming, maybe you don’t. Odds are you have a vision of the future that has someone by your side. Seeing your best friend, sibling or even a complete stranger get married gives you a sense of trust in the way life works. As corny as it sounds and impatient as we all get, there is someone out there for everyone whether you believe me or not. You may not find your person tomorrow, next week or even next year. You will find that person when you are ready, and for some it even takes more than one try. The feeling you get watching two people make a commitment to each other in front of their closest friends and families is that light at the end of the tunnel that keeps everyone going.
The beauty of love is that it comes when you least expect it. You find the person to sing about, the happy place when you are at your lowest and the comfort of feeling at home with someone. Having something unconditional and irreplaceable is a once in a lifetime thing. We all know the struggle of being single on Valentine's Day, family holidays and when Drake releases a love song. Being the “single” friend during wedding season can cause some emotions you never thought you would experience, but they are all completely normal. Just remember to trust the system of love. Happy wedding season!