Cuffing season is in full swing. Have you noticed? Instagram is plastered with couple pictures in front of giant Christmas trees. The radio in the car mockingly asks you who your New Year's kiss was this year. You seem to always be third-wheeling these days.
Everyone is cozying up to someone in the cold winter weather. Everyone, that is, except for you.
Well, except for you and me.
Maybe this upsets you. The cold weather has made you feel a little lonely. The mistletoe this Christmas seemed extra droopy and sad. Midnight on New Year's was a bit anticlimactic for you. I totally understand, but I am very, very happy doing my own thing. Are you?
The funny thing about the holidays is that somehow it translates to "Who are you spending them with?"
Of course, this makes sense. We love to share a joyful time of year with the people we love. Unfortunately, for a lot of people, this means they must find a significant other. As soon as possible. But have you forgotten about everybody else? What about your family and your friends?
You do not need to drop everything to fill a hole in your heart that you have only manufactured in your own head. You have everything right in front of you. There are so many people who love you and care for you. There are so many people who you care about but have lost touch with. Call them. Stop moping around saying nobody loves you. Stop saying you are spending the holidays alone.
You are far from alone! Being single is a beautiful thing. There, I said it!
I do not mean that being in a relationship is not also a beautiful thing, but I do think people tend to give being single a negative connotation. They assure you that someone will come along for you one day as though every day of your life is just one big waiting game. Do not live every day of your life as though you are just waiting for the love of your life.
Love your life, first. All by yourself.
Take yourself on your own adventures. Someone once told me that people who claim that they are bored are actually just boring people. Do not bore yourself. Try taking yourself out to eat. I will admit it is an odd feeling to order off a menu all by yourself at a table for one. Control yourself from the temptation of taking out your phone right away so you do not appear lonely. It is not an easy thing to do, but it is very rewarding. You can make your own fun.
In fact, you should be able to make your own fun before you run off sharing your fun with someone else.
Get dressed up because you want to, not because you have a date lined up. Dance in your kitchen just for the heck of it. Go for a drive without a destination. Do the things that make you feel the happiest, and next time you are feeling like you might be lonely, make a plan with your friends or your family.
As the department stores are filling with big teddy bears, red-painted hearts, and way too many chocolates, you will remember that only boring people are bored.
Buy yourself that box of chocolates if it makes you feel better, but do not wallow while you eat them by yourself. You are learning more about yourself, while other people are trying to learn about a whole other person. You get to do your own thing, so be happy for yourself.
One of my friends told me that confidence is attractive, and I have never heard anything so true. So, next time you think about being sad about your "lonely" holiday season, think twice. Being single during the holidays means more time with your family and friends, more self-love, and, of course, more chocolate for you.
Follow Swoon on Instagram.