It's summertime. While I have had a wonderful time enjoying fun in the sun, sadly, a sinus infection has come along and put a damper on it. Being sick in summer is literally the worst.
When all my friends text me wanting to make plans, I have to decline. Not only because I am contagious, but because I can't go five minutes without blowing my nose. I know I aggravate my family to death with my constant nose-blowing. At home, my waste basket overflows with used tissues and my nose is so irritated.
I work out six days a week. However, I have not exercised any the past two days. I feel so weak physically, and I am so stopped up I can barely breathe. If I can't breathe while I'm sitting up or lying down, I can only imagine what I would be like if I attempted to do heavy physical activity. I feel awful for having to miss my workouts.
While I naturally am feeling pretty sorry for myself because I am sick, I am still very thankful to be alive. I sit and remind myself, many people do not even live to see age 19, or they do live to see it, but they are crippled, terminally ill, or just not happy in some way. I'm thankful to have a simple condition that will go away with treatment, and I will continue to take care of myself in hopes that this sinus infection will go away soon.