One of the best parts of college is that you live basically everywhere except for your own room. You spend the day in class or the library. Then in the evening you go to a friend's room, the lounge, or you go on an adventure with friends. But by the time you get back to your room it's time to get ready for bed and get in bed. It makes the college experience that much more fun.
There's something I'm realizing about this part of the college experience, though. The germs. There are so many more germs as you expand your horizons. Getting through a semester without getting sick at least 2, usually 3 or 4, times is basically a miracle. Here's thoughts that go through every college student's head as they suffer from being sick:
1. I need another nap
The first phase of being sick has me saying: I know I'm a sleepy person, but this is getting a little ridiculous.
2. It's just a cold
Eventually I realize that I'm not just napping extra hard this week, I'm coming down with something. But, it's okay. It's just a cold. I need to suck it up.
3. But I'm dying
There's no way this is a cold. I feel like death and I am never getting out of bed again.
4. Honestly, I'm such a baby when I'm sick
All my friends are currently making fun of me for being grumpy, over dramatic, and over emotional... and all I can come up with is, I'm a baby when I'm sick.
5. I can't go to class
Still stuck on not getting out of bed ever.
6. But I really can't miss class
Have you ever missed a college class? Then showed up to the next class and wonder what is actually going on? I really can't afford to miss class.
7. I should go to the doctor
I should just go to the doctor. That would probably solve a lot of problems.
8. But I hate the doctor
Unfortunately, not all doctors look like this. Going to the doctor is never fun.