Stop seeking the attention of other people in order to validate yourself. Stop looking in the mirror in that crop top wondering what the boys on the basketball team will think, or how stick thin girls will compare. Constantly worrying about how other people look at you is not embracing life to the fullest. Go to that party in skin tight jeans and show off all of your curves because you feel good. Do not double take at the tall blonde to see if he noticed. You are not composed of all of the stares you receive. Do not feel lesser or more or any different what-so-ever because of others opinions of you. Dance your heart out without wondering if other people notice.
Despite the glances or walkbys, you are seen. Our Creator not only LOOKS at you buts SEES you. He made you with purpose and exactness and a smile that goes a little further left than right and other people cannot change that. He sees your late night movie binging sessions and how your heart lights up when you see a puppy and how it hurts to see injustice and violence. He sees you far more than crop top and skinny jeans. He sees heart and soul and finger tapping thoughts in anxious moments.
God made you and looked right at your perfect little face and new that you were meant to be freckly and tall and have two left feet. He claimed you as His and that will never ever change. A second glance at a party or a moment of approval will never compare to the endless time God gives to you. Every single second of every day- pajamas or red carpet attire, He sees you and not only accepts you, but LOVES you.