I look in the mirror and I immediately point out my flaws. My hair is annoying, I have a pimple on my chin, how can I even go outside? When I was younger, I was very insecure especially in my appearance. I would see girls on Television and on magazine covers, and I would hope that maybe one day I could look like them. Over the years, I have realized that I would never achieve that. I’ve tried and tried, but I always fall short of my expectations of how my body should be.
I know that I am not the only one who experiences these insecurities. You probably have seen many quotes and songs about how you should love yourself. I totally agree with that. You should love yourself, but it does take time. I know for me, I am still learning every day of how to love all my imperfections.
I was about ten years old, and I was a bit chubby. I was just a kid, but I never quite felt comfortable in my skin. I had friends that were thin, but they never once told me I was fat. Back then I was so confident, but that all ended. I started to not like the image I was seeing every day. I needed a change. I started eating better, and I began exercising. I started seeing results, but I wasn’t happy. I continued with what I was doing, but the doctors were concerned that I had lost to much weight. I didn’t realize that I was hurting myself rather than helping myself. I started to understand that eating is something that is supposed to help you, not to destroy you. It took some time, but I started slowly loving myself again.
To this day I still struggle with body image. I see a fit, thin girl with a great personality, and I want what they have. But then I realize, that I am one of a kind. There is nobody on earth that is me except for myself. I was created to be unique. My talents are what make me who I am. I may not look like a Victoria’s Secret model, but that is not my goal. My goals are to learn how to love myself deeper, and to show others how to love themselves.
Sometimes buying a nice outfit, or maybe just a nice compliment could boost self-confidence. But, being secure in your insecurities could make you feel empowered and confident.