So, you are a Republican at a Democratic university?
Me too. Is it all that bad? Not really. Unless you are so into politics that hearing your friends talk about Hillary Clinton or whoever makes your head pop off. As a Republican who isn't a huge fan of politics and hearing the other side of the political world on a day to day basis, it honestly doesn't phase me. Sure, my roommate is a hardcore Hillary fan and she can be. It is her own right.
I don't judge people by believing in someone that I don't see fit for presidency. For all I know they feel the same way about my nominee. We were separated for a reason. I enjoy staying on the sidelines and letting other people banter and bicker about it. I don't fancy the whole 'you're wrong, I'm right' thing. It's redundant. We keep saying that too each other, but who really is right?
I grew up Republican, baptist, and in the south. It was in my roots from the very beginning. I signed that voter registration card as Republican and I knew what I was getting myself into when I set foot on a liberal campus. People were saying: 'Oh you like Donald Trump don't you?' to 'I bet Ronald Reagan was your favorite president.' Guess what? I didn't tell them. I wasn't going to their bantering level. I stay out of it the best I can.
You couldn't pay me enough to be a political science major. I'll stay over here in my accounting corner and go on with my day (we aren't the greatest either).
If you are someone who loves politics and could make a living out of it, good for you. If you have a good platform and I believe in you, sure, I'll vote for you. If you are acing your political science classes then have at it. You enjoy it, keep going. I'd never bash someone in politics because they are doing something that I would never do.
Therefore, cheers to you Political Science majors for sticking your neck out there and being that low percent that enjoys politics. Glad I'm not one of ya.
Cheers to the people staying out of the way and enjoying it. I'm right there with you. The other side isn't that bad after all.
Sincerely yours,
Your Future Accountant