Petty. It seems to be a word that dominates not only twitter but just about every social media platform on the Internet. It inspires half of the memes I see nowadays and I cannot count how many times I hear it used in jokes and in conversation. But here's the thing, being petty isn't cute. It isn't funny, it isn't unique or original or powerful or something to aspire to. It's immature and rude and frankly, annoying.
It seems that because celebrities have taken up this petty trend more than anyone else (I'm looking at you Kardashians), everyone has put this behavior up on a pedestal. It's suddenly hilarious to be rude and cold to your ex's new partner...even though you don't even know this person. It's suddenly applauded to respond with one word answers and make arguments where there weren't any. But all I see when someone acts this way is a giant red flag of who I intend to avoid in the future.
Now I understand the temptation to behave rudely towards those who have done you wrong. I get that it can makes sense to a lot of people to try and get back at others who are bothering you. But here's the thing: it doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things and for the love of God, it is time that people learn to grow up. In what world did we all suddenly decide it was witty to behave like a twelve year old towards people? Here's some mind blowing information: just because celebrities do it, doesn't mean it's cool.
Where did the majority of the population seem to forget the valuable lessons their parents taught them of "treat others as you would like to be treated?" Now if anyone is even trying to tell me that they would appreciate petty and passive aggressive behavior being directed towards them, please sit down right now because I know that is a lie.
If your best friend does something you don't appreciate or if you catch them in a lie, here's a genius thought: talk to them. Swallow your pride and work through your issues. And now don't get me wrong, I completely understand distancing yourself from someone who is all around toxic and does not add anything positive to your life. But let's be real honest here, we've all seen the 'petty' memes. We all know that a majority of these glorified petty reactions are towards people who truly don't deserve such immature behavior directed their way.
We are all just trying to get by in this world, we're all trying to be the best versions of ourselves. How low and ridiculous do you have to sink to call someone out or become a five year old brat every time someone does something you don't like? It's called getting over it and behaving like an adult. It's called learning to talk things out and make an effort to make amends with people. Aren't you tired carrying around all of that anger? I mean when it comes down to it, the only person you're hurting by acting petty is yourself.