The word passive is defined as accepting or allowing what happens or what others do, without active response or resistance (basically the idea of being content with being mediocre). I'm not talking about mediocre grades, we all know "Cs get degrees." I'm discussing the ability to be satisfied with barely getting there. Maybe people exhibit passive behavior in school, or work, or friendships, or relationships. In contrast, the word active is defined as causing activity orchange;capableofexertinginfluence; characterizedbyenergeticwork,participation,etc. Active people compliment and encourage others as well as accept responsibility for their actions. We all like to believe we are active in our day-to-day lives, but are we?
"College is the greatest years of your life." This cliché phrase has been repeated to me over and over again. I agree, wholeheartedly, that college will be some of the best years of my life. It is the first taste of true freedom without responsibility, the first time for selfish decision making, a true dream to those who always felt the expectations of others weighing on them. College is, of course, the time to reinvent yourself, a time to be young and impulsive. It's also a time of immense learning, done both inside and outside of the classroom. A time to meet others that think differently than you. A time to challenge yourself. A time to grow into who you are.
Everything I just described requires someone who is active. A person that is energetic in work and participation. Someone capable of causing activity or change. College is not the time to be passive. In reality, we should never let ourselves become passive. We should always strive for active lifestyles. College will be some of the greatest years of my life but it will not be the best years of my life. The reality is that I will continue to experience the best years of my life as long as I am actively present for those moments of greatness. I know this because I see it in my parents' day every day. My kids will hear stories of my high school and college memories but it won't stop there. I will continue to create experiences in my day-to-day life because I am actively living it.
With finals approaching and nerves at an all-time high, I'm sure many stressed college students have read articles claiming that self worth is not defined by a coveted symbol declaring your ability to be successful. And it's true. Grades are a way to measure certain forms of intelligence but as we all know college classes can prepare us but they do not define us. I'm sure others may disagree but regardless of the grade you make, the job you have, the friends and family you associate with, I think the most important part is actually pretty simple--do not allow yourself to be passive.