I've come to notice that a large quantity of the people I come into contact with on a daily basis are much more close-minded than I've allowed myself to realize. It's a little upsetting to see people in 2017 that are hesitant to try new things and have a hard time accepting things that are really happening around them. I've always seen life as being all about experience and growth so I find it hard to understand how people believe in staying on the same train of thought or in their comfort zones find it okay. Although many people may start reading this but turn away because "what does she know anyway?" I want to highlight a few key points in what being open minded can do for you.
1. Willing to Learn
When becoming more open-minded, you tend to become more eager to learn about new things. Whether it's basic school subjects or more complex topics, you are willing to take the time to understand what you are learning about.
2. You Listen to Understand, Not to Respond
A problem in today's society is that when people talk, we're generally just waiting to respond. We don't try to see the other person's point of view or try to understand what they are talking about, we just wait in order to be heard. When you're open-minded, I've noticed that people tend to try and understand before responding and we'll ask more questions about the topic.
3. You Take the Time to See the Perspectives of Others
Although this might be one of the last things people who are open-minded, or are starting to be, can understand or feel, it's very common that when you are open-minded, you take the time to see the perspective of others - which allows you to understand a variety of things, such as why they are the way they are, or the way they talk or even the way they may feel in a certain situation.
4.You Can Understand Why Some People are the Way They Are
Like I have said in #3, when you take the time to see through the perspective, or opinions, of others it opens a whole new world of understanding. Since you're getting to know them, you'll have background information and you should be able to know enough about a person to know what to expect.
5. You Learn a lot About Yourself
You will grow to learn how patient you are, and you'll understand where your comfort zone is and how you can really put it to the test. Growth comes from discomfort.
6. You Grow from the Mistakes you've Made
I like to think that when you're able to admit to a mistake, you can easily grow and learn from it. Being able to acknowledge your mistakes or questionable decisions it opens a world of opportunity because you feel a sense of freedom. Making mistakes is okay! It's 110% normal and you shouldn't be ashamed or afraid of doing so. It's how you learn and grow!
Of course, everyone has different experiences, everyone is raised differently and this list of pros that come out of being open-minded may be longer or even shorter. But, at the end of the day, being open minded is something you should try!