As a girl who owns an astronomical amount of makeup and loves to create new looks when I can, I feel like most people just assume that my appearance completely consumes me. I can admit, from time to time I do love to get dressed up, have a completely contoured face and my hair is fixed to perfection, but that's a rare occasion.
I'm the girl you see out at a bar with Nike shorts, a t-shirt and Chacos on with a decent amount of makeup slapped on my face so I won't get IDed like crazy (I still do). I'm the girl you see running into Wal*mart with a big sweatshirt on without a bra, hoping no one notices I was too lazy to put it on this morning. I'm the girl you see rolling out of bed for her 8 a.m. classes, who didn't even try to make herself look half decent. And yet, I'm still obsessed with makeup.
I'll sit in my room at my vanity for hours and hours creating a new look, perfecting my winged eyeliner or making sure my lips are even on both sides after I line them. I'll look at makeup videos on Youtube for ungodly amounts of time to find out what the best products are, which products I should avoid, or just to get tips on how to perfect certain techniques. And yet, I'm not obsessed with my looks.
I always refer to my style as "getting dressed from the neck up." When I don't feel lazy when I'm going out to the bar or going to hangout with friends, I'll give myself a fully contoured face, but will still wear my Nike shorts and Chacos. Thus, I'm "getting dressed from the neck up." Some people may hate on this or think this is odd, but after I spend an hour and a half doing my makeup, I love throwing my hair into a bun and putting on my comfy clothes.
While I can't speak for everyone who is obsessed with makeup, I know others who are just as obsessed, maybe even more obsessed than I am and they don't put makeup on for weeks at a time. Sometimes life happens and you become super busy, so makeup isn't a priority. During finals week, I won't even think about touching my makeup until it's time to go to the bar and have some fun.
I know some girls who will wake up an hour early to make sure their hair and makeup is perfect before they leave the house. Do I hate on them? Absolutely not because if that what makes them feel beautiful, then by all means go for it. Do I wonder how they have the willpower and strength to get up an hour early to do that? Absolutely.
As a girl who spends most of her paycheck on makeup instead of food, I still love waking up in the morning, throwing on my comfy clothes and going about my day. Do I get dressed up occasionally? Of course, but I don't let my looks consume me. I don't let the "need" to look perfect 24/7 make me spend two hours getting dressed every day.
Yes, you might see me randomly one day with a contoured face and smokey eye with winged eyeliner, but that's just me not feeling incredibly lazy, because I promise I'm still going to have my big t-shirt, Nike shorts and Chacos on.