I know you have all heard the saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." This may just be a line from an old Disney movie, but it's still pretty relevant today. We have people in today's society who only care about their own feelings instead of those around them. This is pretty controversial - you shouldn't care about what others think about you, but at the same time if you have toxic individuals in your life bringing you down, you end up caring about what they think. It is very hard to live your life with these individuals, when you care about others and what they think about you. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but cutting those people out of your life will be the best decision you've ever made.
It is important to take other people's feelings into perspective when you are thinking about saying something that could be rude because if all you do is be rude to your friends or acquaintances, no one will want to be around you. Depending on what type of person you are, this may lead to a downfall for your mental health. I like to think I'm a tough individual, who isn't bothered with others opinions of me. However, if someone says something that hurts my feelings I will over analyze it. I pull myself away from the situation, even if it wasn't a big deal to begin with.
I don't like to feel hurt or unwanted, and when I do, I completely shut down.
Being nice is 100% free. If you're having a bad day, do us all a favor and take it out on your pillow, instead of your friends. Your friends will more than likely take it and brush it off. However, the more you do this, the more people will get tired of it. I know for a fact that most people hate feeling used. Sometimes, I wonder if people who treat their friends like this know how it feels on the other side. I wonder if they've ever been hurt so bad that they didn't want to be near anyone.
What I don't understand is why don't we just be nice to everyone we see? Why do we have to be so rude all the time? Is it because we are all broken on the inside and are just trying to fill that void in our lives? Maybe we should all go watch some Disney movies and learn what it means to be kind to others, care about others, and to make the best of our difficult situations.